Strict Standards: Non-static method Menu::getPathTo() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/futurejo/public_html/classes/Article.class.php on line 515

Strict Standards: Non-static method Menu::getPathTo() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/futurejo/public_html/classes/Article.class.php on line 515

Strict Standards: Non-static method Menu::getPathTo() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/futurejo/public_html/classes/Article.class.php on line 515

Strict Standards: Non-static method Menu::getPathTo() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/futurejo/public_html/classes/Article.class.php on line 515
Locuri de munca - FutureJobs

Mareste-ti sansele de a fi chemat la un interviu

Securing an interview is obviously the first step towards changing your life and developing new opportunities within your career. Unfortunately finding a new job can sometimes be a daunting, perplexing and sometimes frustrating experience.

Most of us have probably thought at some point that a...

10 Greseli comune in CV care ar putea fi evitate

Lipsa focalizarii asupra CV-ului

1. O focalizare clara pe CV dvs este un element extrem de important. Avand in vedere ca angajatorii "scaneaza" Cv-urile intr-un timp relativ scurt (de regula intre 5 si 20 secunde, un CV bine realizat ar trebui ca de la prima vedere sa arate concis...

Prepare yourself for the Intreview

1. Don't Prepare

Not being able to answer the question "What do you know about this company?" might just end your quest for employment, at least with this employer. Background information including company history, locations, divisions, and a mission statement are available in an "About Us"...


10 greseli in CV

Fiecare persoana care isi cauta un loc de munca si vine la mine pentru a-l ajuta cu redactarea cv-ului si a scrisorii de intentie este unica. Fiecare are un scop diferit in cariera, o personalitate diferita si cu totul alte principii de viata decat ceilalti. Totusi, pe masura ce calatoresc...